Hello yogis,
I thought some might like to read of the joys and challenges of a Mysore first timer.
Well.......mmm........psychologically challenging rising at 4.15 on a supposed holiday,
but wonderful to finish before 6.30am in the early morning Mysore balminess. I've been walking home from the shalla, a ball of sweat, as the doti-wearing elderly men exercise their dogs.
Their is significant injustice (or perhaps it's been some time coming ) in the fact that Karyn starts her practice 1.5 hours after me.
It's quite challenging the practice, rather more intense than at home, maybe because of the heat, maybe because there's not much else to think about. My teacher is a seventy year old woman named Saraswati who is the daughter of the bloke (Pattabhi Jois) that started the school, she looks and acts about 50 & struts around like a hybrid tank/bulldog, although a very nice one (bulldog that is). She's decided to load me up with about three extra poses, so the cruise-control state has been put under pressure a little.
I think that's more than enough from me, see you back in Melbourne.